First year medical Photo competition
In November 2022, first year medical students embarking on their first placement experience were challenged to submit a photo, photos or video that captured their experience while learning medicine in a regional/rural/remote community. We want to ask you, our community to help pick a winner! Scroll over the photos to see the description and context behind each photo, then vote in the poll!
​Please note:
Voting will take place until 5pm AEST Friday 10th Feb for:
1 x First Place ($300AUD cash prize) - internal TROHPIQ and UQRCS team member vote
1 x People's Choice ($300AUD cash prize) - general public vote
Multiple competition submissions were allowed and additional consideration for prizes will be awarded to submissions demonstrating community involvement, inclusion of people or students (with consent), creativity, inclusion of UQ or TROHPIQ branding.​
In the event of a draw the TROHPIQ President or nominated proxy shall make the final decision for prize recipient(s).