Allied Health
TROHPIQ currently has a number of nursing and allied health members including students from occupational therapy, paramedics, nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy.
In the last few years TROHPIQ has introduced a number of opportunities specifically for its allied health members and nursing members. Nursing and Allied health students are also welcome to take part in all other activities offered by TROHPIQ.
In 2023 we will provide you with the following opportunities:
Clinical skills days for nursing and allied health students
Rural high school visits throughout Queensland
The annual bush retreat for allied health and nursing students (BRAHN)
Careers in Rural Health Evenings - at UQ, ACU and USQ
Scholarships for undertaking rural placements
Rural experience trips, social and networking events
Representation to the National Rural Health Students’ Network
Pathways to funding to attend conferences throughout the country
First Aid Course
Indigenous Health Seminar
Rural Mental Health Seminar
Scholarships and Bursaries
TROHPIQ offers a range of scholarships and bursaries for allied health members.
Skills Days
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